Are you familiar with the important work done by bioreactors in shipping?
(Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash) As you probably know, modern cruise ships have a complicated wastewater purification system and a...
(Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash) As you probably know, modern cruise ships have a complicated wastewater purification system and a...
(Photo by Diego F. Parra from Pexels) During this spring large cruise ships were in the news headlines almost daily as vessels weren’t...
Maritim e convergenc Remember not so long ago, when the most compelling issues occupying the maritime industry were IMO 2020 compliance,...
Is micro-biotech is replacing acid therapy to enable sustainable onboard operations in shipping?
The ‘Captain going down with the ship’ is held up as a great tradition by mariners and land-lubbers alike. This tradition is in fact so...
(Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash) In recent decades, every industry has tested different strategies and technologies to maximize...
How the crude oil tanker sector is going to evolve when we emerge from the pandemic remains to be seen
The shipping industry is a well-oiled machinery for moving global trade. To understand its staggering size and impact, one must know what...
As technology evolves around us, we see more and more jobs are automated or certain jobs are delegated to smart machines or robots. This...
One hears repeatedly about the future of shipping in terms of future environmental regulations and stricter local laws, the spread of...
Early in my career I was called into a meeting along with all other employees to be addressed by the new head of the company. He...